Advanced Filters

The Advanced Filters provide further refinements to your search criteria. Any combination of filters can be used in addition to the document number or keywords you entered, but note that some filters may not apply to the document for which you are searching.

The What's This link provides a pop-up with a brief description of the Advanced Filters.

The Advanced Filters include:

To use select an option from any of the Advanced Filters:

  1. Click on the filter link to open the pop-up list for that filter.

  2. Click on an item from the list to highlight it. To select a group of items consecutively, hold down the Shift key and click your first item choice and your last item choice. To select non-consecutive items, hold down the Ctrl key and select the items you want.

  3. Click Submit to activate your selections.

  4. Click the Search button to apply them to a new search.

  5. Click on the hide link to hide the ICS Code, FSC Code and IHS Segment filters. Click on the Advanced Filters arrows to collapse all of the Advanced Filters options to hide all of the advanced filters. Click on the arrows again to expand the list of Advanced Filters options.


Tip: Your search criteria will always be displayed at the top of your results list. If you want to de-select a filter option, click on the red X at the top of the results list. Please note that if your results list is long, it may take a few seconds longer than a shorter list does to delete the filter and recompile the results list.