Review Field Definitions

The following terms and their definitions describe the information you need to enter into information fields when you Add a New Document or Edit a Document in My Publications.


Document Number

You must enter a document number that contains alpha characters entered as upper or lower case and/or numeric characters. After the document information is saved to the database, you will be able to use the document number, as well as the short name or acronym you enter in the Organization field, as search criteria for the document when you perform a search.

Publication Date

Enter the date the document was published or last updated using �mm/dd/yyyy� as the format for the date.

Note: When you import a list of Publications through the Import List tab or by using the Import list of Publications link, the format can vary as follows:

  • yyyy - If the format includes only the year (2010), the date will be displayed as 01/01/2010.

  • mm/yyyy - If the format includes the month and year (12/2010), the date will be displayed as 12/01/2010.

  • mm/dd/yyyy � If the format includes the month, day, and year (12/15/2010), the date will be displayed as 12/15/2010.


Each document must have a status (Active, Discontinued, Draft-Obsolete, Draft, and so on). The default status is Active. To change the status, click the down arrow in the field, and then select the appropriate status.

Note that if the status field is blank when the Document/Publication data is imported from a list, the status will automatically be defined as Active.


Each document must be identified with a language. The default language is English.

Note that if the language field is blank when the Document/Publication data is imported from a list, the language will automatically be defined as English.


Enter a brief description of the document. Once the document is saved in the database, you can search for the document title using keywords or text contained in the description you enter in this field.

Document URL

Enter a URL in this field that begins with �http:� or �https:� to link the indexed document information in Standards Expert to the location of the document on your company�s server.  

(For example,  

Authorized users will see a View icon in the results page of the Search tab of Standards Expert. When they click the View icon, the link will take them to the document.

Note that if this field is left blank, the information provided will be classified as Bib Data only.

Group Code

Each document must have a Group Code. If a Group Code is not associated with your account, a default group will be automatically assigned. The Group Code provides access to authorized subaccounts associated within the current account and can be used when you search for specific account documents using the Advanced Filter for IHS Segments on the Search tab of Standards Expert.

In most cases, the Publications Administrator determines and sets up the Group Code for the account before documents are added to My Publications. The administrator determines how the Group Code is named�for example, the administrator could distinguish documents by type, department, or location.

If the Group Code is not set up and a document is added, a default group will be automatically assigned.

Note that when you import data from a list, the Group Code identified on the list must already be created in My Publications (see Assigning groups to a set of documents), or the results of the import will identify a record error that must be corrected prior to completing the load. However, if the Group Code is blank when you import the data from a list, the default Group Code will be assigned.  

Page Count

Enter the number of pages for the document. If the number of pages is not entered, the value defaults to 0.


Enter a short name or, preferably, a unique acronym that identifies a document to a specific document set. When you use this field, the information you enter will be displayed on the Document Details page. In addition, you can use the name or acronym as search criteria when you perform a search for a Document Number or Organization.

Organization Name

Use this field in conjunction with the Organization field to provide additional information such as a point of contact or an address. Information you enter in this field will be displayed in the Document Details page.

Alternate Designations

Enter other names or aliases for the document in this field�separate each individual entry by a comma. Standards Expert will use the other names and aliases when you perform a search for the Document Number.


Enter keywords that have specific meaning to this document and could help users locate the publication. Keywords are used when you search Abstracts and All Document text. In addition, keywords are displayed on the Document Details page. Be sure to separate each individual entry by a comma.


Enter a summary of the content contained in a document. Standards Expert will use abstract information when users search Abstracts and All Document text. This information will also be displayed on the results list. A text formatting bar above the field gives you the flexibility of formatting the font style and size or applying bold, italics or underline to the text you enter.