By default, the text you enter in the Keyword(s) or Text field searches the document Titles and Abstracts of the documents. To search Titles, Abstracts, and the full-text of the documents, click the All Document Text checkbox.
Search terms are highlighted in the text of retrieved documents.
A keyword search can be done by entering:
Alpha characters that are either upper or lower case, as the field is not case sensitive
Multiple words, which searches all documents that contain all the words you enter. An "and" is automatically assumed between the words, for example: steel gate valve retrieves only documents that contain all three words � steel and gate and valve. Although the words may or may not be together, or in the order you typed them. Common word variations, such as plurals and words ending in ing and ed are automatically retrieved. For instance, in the example above both valve and valves are retrieved
An exact phrase. To
search on an exact phrase, use double quotation marks ( " ).
For example: "steel gate valves" retrieves only documents
containing these three words in this exact order.
Note: Word variations are NOT assumed when you search for a
phrase. For example "steel gate valve" does not retrieve documents
containing the plural, steel gate valves.